Minggu, 22 November 2009

Unforgettable Moment

Hey bloggers! Meet me again for my writing this week. Now I will tell you about my unforgettable moment in MHT. It is when the electricity was off. Actually I can’t remember when exactly it was happened. In MHT, sometimes the electricity would off. It is fine when it happen in the afternoon. But it will be horrible if it is happen in the night. The first time electricity off, I was at Dhata’s room. It was fine because I’m not alone. And fortunately both Dhata and Indira have a spare lamp so we were not in a totally dark. But outside, all were panic. Several of my friends were crying. And some of them came to Dhata’s room because it was shining. Hahaha. Bunda tried to appease and gathered us in one room. So we were moved to the dining room and continued studying there. I was a little shocked to see there was a lot of my friends include the boys too in the dining room. And Mr. Hartono was also there. He was giving any extra-lesson for X-2. My goodness, I was so disturbed. I can’t study with all of this noise! Fortunately there was no exam for the next day.
I was bored so I moved to grace’s room because her room is not far from the dining room, and Bunda said we must be gathered until the electricity on again. Finally I was just sit and talk to my friends there. And unfortunately my cell phone was low bat and died. Huft! I was really bored. My friend, Vika was also crying. She said that she was seeing a ghost in the dorm. All of my friends were so panic. And when we were so panic, there was a knock on the window! Aaarrghh! We were shouting! We knew that was a human act. But it was so shocked us. Because it was happened while we were listen to the Vika’s ghost story. Actually I wasn’t scared about the dark, but several of my friends were shouting and crying. It was a panic situation. I can’t forget that. Bunda decided to make us sleep together in the same room. So Agis and I were placed in Grace’s room and also Bunda. But we can’t sleep because the room was hot and we were sweating. So we were chatting. At 12 p.m. the electricity was on again so we can sleep.
The second time when the electricity was off, it happened in the afternoon, so it was just fine. The third time it was happened in about 9 p.m. and I was about to take the water. I was so shocked when the electricity was off. Because the place of the water is the horrible corner of the dorm! When the dark was coming I was so scared because I was alone. Oh god! I was running to my room. And unfortunately the floor was so slippery so I was almost fall. When I finally reach my room, I was feeling so free of worry. I was holding on Agis and we were going to Bunda’s room together. Unfortunately the next day I would have an exam  but, fortunately, the situation wasn’t as panic as the first time the electricity was off and it was off just about an hour.
I hope for the next the electricity will never off again. If it has to off again just occur in the afternoon okay?

Descriptive Text

Hey hey, I would like to describe to you about my lovely mammoth. He is a poodle actually. He has brown eyes and also brown fur. His fur is curly. He has smooth fur because I’m always taking care of him  He has small nose and small mouth, of course because he’s a small dog. Even he has a small nose, he can use it very well. He ever found my earring when I lost it. He also has a short tail. He has sharp claws but he will never use it to you (if you don’t do anything naughty to him of course). He’s about 8 kg and 30 cm tall. Yes he’s belonging to a small dog. But I think he will be a cute dog right? I can carry him to anywhere I want. And it’s just easy to take care of him. Take him a bath, take him out, or anything. He has short leg. So he can’t run too fast.
I often play with him on the evening. He always running towards me and jumping over me. He’s so spoiled. Hahaha. He’s so faithful. He can be trusted to guard my house. Although he can’t run as fast as the other dog do, he can bark better than the other. It will wake me up immediately. Or he can bite the thief for example. He has sharp teeth like the other dog.I gave him a necklace so he won’t be lost. He will bark if he feels good, but he will just quite if something wrong. If it happens I will take him to my regular veterinary.
One day he brings another dog to my house and let me to take care of his friend too. So I let the dog to stay in my home. I realized that the dog is his girlfriend. So I have to take care to his friend too, I give a name to her. It is poppy. I guess I will have another dog again. And I was right! Poppy is pregnant and now I’m waiting for the new dog born in my home! My house will be much crowded than before 

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

my dormitory life

hi all, I've told you that my school is a boarding school, so i live in the dormitory. live in the dormitory is not as bad as you think. it's fun! yea, with all your friends are there you won't feel alone. not all of my friends are already live in the dormitory, because actually the dormitory isn't ready hahaha, but most of my friends (about 90%) is already live there. because live in the dormitory is very helpful for your school life, you can do your homework, assignments, or tasks together with your friends. and it's just easy to talk face to face with them. you just can wake up at 6.30 and you won't late for school :p i know there will be several things bad, like homesick. but you can call home anytime and you can go back to your home every saturday. even it's a short time (saturday evening-monday morning) you will be very thanks for it. every saturday i just try to concentrate with my lesson in the school. i'm always imagine my home. besides it's physics day, o my gosh..

many people say that live in the dormitory is not as comfort as you live in your own home, but in MHT's dormitory you'll feel a little bit comfort. even several rooms is often leaking (but we can just move to another room) and the water is very bad (its color is rather yellow) the others are good. you have your own bathroom inside your room (even sometimes you have to use your neighbor bathroom because the water aren't come), and it has AC inside. if you live in MHT's dormitory you just can use the soccer field anytime you want, the swimming pool, or you can play gambang kromong as you wish. and we get our meal from the catering.

in the dormitory you have to share your room with 3 friends, but because of we are only 62 students, we can share room with only a friend. my roommate is Agis. and our room is in the corner, room 110. let me tell you about this girl. her full name is Gisty Ajeng Septami. we are a classmate too in X-3. so we almost do everything together. she's a kind girl. we have a responsibility to clean up the room by our self. so we do that together. we clean up the bathroom once a week, we broom our room 2/3 times a week, and we mop it 1/2 times a month. we also have our guard there, we called her Bunda. bunda is always take care of us. she has the responsibility. all of our activities in the dormitory must be know by her. she's like our parents in our home. she always wake us up, warn us to go to the mosque, and of course loving us. but i think we need at least 2 persons like bunda, one in the boy's dormitory and one for the girl's dormitory. because when the boy need bunda for anything they always come to the girl's dormitory. it's so unexpected :( sometimes the electricity is off and there will be a panic situation if it happen in the night.

and now i'll tell you the dormitory schedule. we have to do 5 times salat in the mosque. and stay in the mosque during the time between maghrib and isya. actually it's a little bit waste my time, so i bring my books to study there. after salat isya we are having dinner together in a long room, with a long table. we (the girls) are always such having a big noisy there. sometimes i heard that they complain about the food, they haven't eat the fruit yet, but it already give out hahaha. they're very funny. in tuesday we do jujitsu at 7.00. actually i wish to have breakfast after jujitsu, because my stomach is always shaking during jujitsu. but after jujistsu there's only a short time to get prepared to go to the school. besides i have to take a bath because i was sweating lot. in wednesday i do dances after the school end from 4 p.m until 6 p.m. in thursday mr. baskoro come to the dormitory ti give us an extra-lesson after salat isya until 9 p.m. so can you imagine if you haven't live in the dormitory yet? you must be so tired. you have to go home while the sky is already dark, beside you have a lot of homework and an exam tomorrow. and you have to get up earlier if you're not wish to be stuck in the morning-traffic jam. in friday we do jujitsu in the morning and we have to attend imtaq with mr. rahman. when the lovely saturday is coming i just shout out.. oh, i forget to tell you that i've been chosen for the jujitsu tournament next december hhahaaha, so i will practice jujitsu more often than another, in monday and thursday after salat isya. i imagine that my friends are dreaming and i have to practice jujitsu, wkwkwkk but i have to take this responsibility :) sometimes i feel exhausted, just after i go to the dormitory (after schooling) i have to go to the mosque then study until the midnight, then i have to wake up when adzan subuh is reverberate. but i know these all are my responsibility so i have to not grumble bout it. just do the best and it will give the best result too. and you can make people proud of you :)

Sabtu, 07 November 2009

my school life

hey guys,
first let me introduce myself. my name is prika and I'm 14 years old. now I'm schooling at SMANU M.H. Thamrin Jakarta. do you know that school? it's a boarding school for Olympiad, which is one of the international school in Jakarta (and FYI, next year 2010 it will be the only one international school in DKI Jakarta). for me, it's a pride to be the student of SMANU MHT. because i have to passed some test that consist of IQ test, academic test, and TOEFL test in 3 days. it doesn't take the student based on the national exam's score. SMANU MHT has qualified teachers too, because they also have to passed some test. and do you know Surya institute? their teachers are teaching me now, they are really a great person. they are experienced, professional, and clever. all of my teachers are a great person. surya institute has a little-bit hard program for us. we have to finished our regular senior high school materials in the first year, focus on Olympiad materials in the second year, then finished Cambridge A Level materials in the third year. wow, it sounds frightening, isn't it? lol. so do i. you must prepare your bounce first to get through all of that program. as you know my friends and I are the first generation of this school, so you must very tolerant with all of the absence and be survive to show the existence of this school to the world.

we are focus learn in 4 hard science such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. we have 2 teachers for each hard science, one is from surya institute, and another is from the education department. we study each hard science in one day long, from 7 a.m until about 4 p.m. so it expect that we will be more able to reach the minimum skill competence. because there will be many time to learn the lesson. but in my daily, it still not enough to cover all, so sometimes we take any extra-time at night in dormitory to explore the lesson with the teachers. we also have to learn soft-science. it's like art, music, sport, and spiritual. i have to learn art in Thursday, music in Friday, and for sport we do jujitsu every Tuesday and Friday before we're going to school. so they expect that we can be a balance human in our life later. we also learn history, sociology, ICT, and there's of course a language lesson specially English. cause we have to reach the minimum skill competence --> TOEFL=500 when we graduate later. actually we have a Germany teacher, but i think we can learn it in the second year. meanwhile she with another teacher are responsible for our Indonesian language score. we have time to read a material in Monday and make a summary if we have finished them. then it will be our score.

you must be a hard worker if you want to be success in this school, cause it will be hard. you may have any exam everyday because we have to finished the regular senior high school materials in only 1 year! and don't forget about the assignment, no school without any assignment. imagine that you have to study at school until 4 p.m, then do your assignment, do your homework, and study for the exam tomorrow. you can sleep at 12 p.m everyday but you have to wake up at 4.30 a.m to go to the mosque (for the moslem in dormitory). you must have extra-energy guys. you're really have to keep your body healthy for doing those lot activities. there are some extracurricular too such as dancing, gambang kromong music, basketball, football (my school has the field^^), and swimming (my school has the swimming pool too). I'm participate in dancing extracurricular that holds every Wednesday. i really enjoy dancing because i get sweating when I'm dancing so it's like I'm doing any sport, but it still has fineness. we learn Betawi dance like cokek, jaipong, etc. we have 6 days active learning from Monday to Saturday. I'm really happy if Saturday's coming cause i will be able to going home and leave the dormitory. FYI, there are several of my friends that are not in dormitory yet, because actually they're not have to live in dormitory now. they have to live in the dormitory in about January 2010. but i think, live in the dormitory is really help you in your daily because you are stay near your friends and teachers.

in December we'll have a final exam, so now I've been so tired with the assignments, everyday-exam, all of the home works and many more. we also have a jujitsu test after the final exam. wish me luck :) I'll do my best guys....

PS:and i think i have to stop now because it's midnight now :p