Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

my cool-holiday

Hi friends. Long time I wasn’t post anything because I had a long 2 weeks holiday a.k.a the longest holiday in my school. I was very happy. I could do anything I want to, I can wake up as I wish, and I can play around all the time. Before the holiday was exactly started I had a lot of fun too, because I had nothing to do in my school then I could spend all my time in the dormitory, had an enough sleep, watched 4-5 movies a day, swam, played badminton and I went to Dufan too with my friends on the last day of my school-time. So when I went to the home I felt very tired and I directly went to sleep until the next day.

The next day until 3 days later I spent my time in front of my laptop, listened to the music, online, and watched movies from youtube.com. I don’t know why but slow but sure I am going to love Korean serials. But in fact I feel strange when I saw another people watch any Korean movies in the past, because I’m even laugh when I hear their language. But now, I can spend many hours just to watch the serials. People in my house said that I am going to be crazy if I watch the serials because I often laugh in one time and cry in other time. And my parents said that I already addict with the serials. Sometimes they get angry with me because I often sleep in the midnight just to watch the serials. So they tried to make me stay away from my laptop. They offered me to go to Jogja, hmm, actually they force me a little. Finally I was agreed to go to Jogja on 23rd December with our own car.
First we went to Bandung because my father had something to do there. Then we continued to Purwokerto because my aunt there have a little cow farm. We can enjoy the view of the mountain, feel the village atmosphere, and take a fresh-long-breath. In the end my mother carried many things that we can easily found in the village like the Java’s sugar, big banana (because I don’t know its name), the small fish called wader, and many more. I liked the condition of the city, it was just calm, quiet, and peaceful. Finally we arrived in Jogja and I could meet my brother :) if my big brother was there then we can be a full family :( I was just dreaming. In Jogja I finally found my parents purpose there, they want to find any house that can be their future house, hahaha, but I’m sure that they really want me to go out of my house rather than stayed in front of my laptop, too. I appreciated it. In Jogja we also went to any place to shopped, one shop that you have to notice is Outlet Biru, but I’m sorry that I can’t tell you where it is because I don’t know. I was also tried many delicious or strange foods such as African sheep or Sambel Mercon that really can burn your mouth, and I also visited my uncles and my aunts there. We spent the night in the house at foot of a mountain, Kaliurang. Actually Kaliurang is also a tourism place, so I went around there to enjoy the view with the train-car. I was very excited. As you know the weather was cold, fortunately the house arranges hot water. But it was only can used in the morning. Kaliurang has an exclusive food, it named Jadah and the most-known shop is Jadah Mbah Carik. My parents always buy the food every time we went to Jogja. Actually we don’t know when we will get back to Jakarta but when my parents heard that my brother is going to have a lot of exam in January, so they decided to go back to Jakarta on the next day, Monday. I was very sad. I had a very bad mood at that time. Because when we shopped in Malioboro the day before we went back to Jakarta I was not satisfied. We hadn’t explore the whole Malioboro street because my father was already bored and we were going to go to our relatives there :(

Finally we went back to Jakarta on Monday and we arrived at Jakarta on Tuesday, we spent the night in the hotel in Tegal. Tegal is a very attractive city. I found that many people in that town are Arabic. The hotel where I spent the night is also belongs to an Arabic woman. She even can’t speak Indonesian well. My parents usually walk around the place where we spent the night in the early morning while I prefer to have an enough sleep. They found a milk-shop near our hotel. We went there when we already checked out from the hotel to buy any kind of milk. But it already closed. Maybe the owner of the shop really think that the God share the fortune in the early morning. It’s really Arabic. When we finally arrived in Jakarta I didn’t feel sad again because I also missed my grandmother and my home. I continued to watch the Korean serials in my home, play around, sleep, and on the last day I went to Gramedia bookstore to buy some exercise book. Surprisingly I met my old friend there. Yea, Gramedia is our favorite hangout-place in the past. In the end I really felt the real sad because I don’t want to go back to my school. I really enjoy my home-time. With all of that rules, the dormitory will be a very annoyed thing. I didn’t read the rules draft until the last day holiday. And on the last day of my holiday I woke up at 12 a.m. and I didn’t pack anything. Finally I could arrive at my school on 01.15 p.m. actually I was late because in the draft it says that we have to arrive at the school at 01.00 p.m. but it still hadn’t started yet.

PS: actually I brought some books to my home, but I weren’t even touched it :p

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